LIVE - Fridge Party!

©2022 SenseTime

Welcome to our LIVE - Fridge Party!, where we bring you a unique live experience unlike any other! Here, not only do you watch but also actively engage in the liveroom.

In our live room, you play a cute vegitable and join a great party hold in a refridgerator.

by texting in our live room or sending us gifts during the live procedure.

In essence, each person can has a virtual dancing. So come join us now and revel in this unparalleled gaming experience filled with surprises and joy!

My contributions to this project are:

  • Assemble assets in Unreal Engine and develop game logic for interaction.
  • Develop ElseLiveUnreal plugin for Unreal Engine to fetch live room behaviors via APIs, and interact with the audience accordingly.
  • Develop a real-time audio signal processing system to detect accented beats of music and make camera shakes for enhanced visual exprierence in Unreal Engine.
  • Deploy a forward proxy server between the company intranet and the public network.
Sihang Chen 陈思航
Sihang Chen 陈思航
Technical Artist

I am now pursuing my Master’s program at Victoria University of Wellington. I worked as a Technical Artist for three years at SenseTime. And I am proficient in Digital Avatars and AIGC implanting Techniques.